
Frequently asked questions

  • What is practice management software?
  • Is Weal HIPAA compliant?
  • What is Weal?
  • Who owns Weal?
  • Is Weal Australian?
  • Does Weal have a native app?
  • Does Weal integrate with Xero?
  • How much does Weal cost?
  • Are there hidden fees?
  • Can I import my data?
  • Is Weal ok to use in my country?
  • Does my data stay in my trial account if I use the trial to set everything up?
  • How much do receptionist licenses cost?
  • Where is Weal based?

What is practice management software?

Practice management software is software that helps you run or manage your healthcare business. It can automate and digitise most of the day-to-day tasks of running your clinic. Take a deeper look at what is practice management software.

Is Weal HIPAA compliant?

Yes! Weal contains all the tools and settings that you need to be HIPAA compliant. You can enable HIPAA and request a BAA document by heading to Settings > Patients > Patient privacy in the app.

Here are all the details you need about Weal and HIPAA compliance.

What is Weal?

Weal is practice management software for allied health practitioners. You can use it to easily and securely manage your daily appointments, treatment notes, payments, and much more! Here is more detail on Weal’s features to give you a better idea of what we offer.

Who owns Weal?

Joel Friedlaender and Liora Dafner-Beach are the co-founders and owners of Weal. Here’s a bit more on why we believe that being privately-owned matters.

Is Weal Australian?

Yes, Weal was founded, and is headquartered, in Australia but used by practitioners worldwide.

Does Weal have a native app?

We don’t have a native app, but Weal is mobile-friendly. You can even add a shortcut to your device’s home screen so it will function very much like an app, with a tap to launch!

Does Weal integrate with Xero?

Yes, you can connect Xero with Weal! Here’s a guide on how the integration works.

How much does Weal cost?

Weal is priced either as a monthly or yearly subscription, based on the number of practitioners who will be using your account. Here’s more information about our pricing plans.

There’s no charge for administrative user licenses, and you can add and remove users at any time!

Are there hidden fees?

There are no hidden fees when it comes to using Weal. Our monthly subscription pricing is based on the number of practitioners you have in your practice. Optional add-ons like SMS are priced per message and work out to 10c USD each.

Can I import my data?

Yes, it is possible to import data into Weal from another practice management system! The best way to do it depends on the data you want to import.

Weal can mass transfer/import patient demographics, products, billable items, and any other contact lists you might have. You’ll need the data from your current system in a .csv file (spreadsheet format)–our support team can definitely help you to make sure the files are Weal-ready!

Information such as invoicing history, treatment notes, and historical or upcoming appointments can either be manually re-created (we recommend this for forthcoming appointments and outstanding balances/account credits), or you can use our file attachments section for each patient to hold the data (we recommend this for treatment notes).

Here is an article with more information on how importing data into Weal works.

We also have a free transfer option from some systems.

Is Weal ok to use in my country?

You can use Weal anywhere in the world as long as you have a good internet connection and an up-to-date web browser. From a data privacy and compliance standpoint, Weal also meets or exceeds all regulations of the Australian Privacy Principles, GDPR, PIPEDA, and HIPAA.

Does my data stay in my trial account if I use the trial to set everything up?

Yes! Your Weal trial is exactly the same as the full version, so if you decide to keep using Weal after your trial ends your account will stay the same with all your data.

If you decide not to continue after your trial, we can guarantee your data will remain with us for 12 months after your cancellation date.

How much do receptionist licenses cost?

Receptionist licenses (and other admin user licenses) are free and unlimited!

Where is Weal based?

Weal was founded in Melbourne, Australia, but our team is fully remote and based around the world.

Help guides

Our Weal help centre is a useful resource of guides and instructions for most of the features you’ll find in Weal.

Free for 30 days

Create an account to get full access to Weal. You’ll only be charged if you choose not to cancel your subscription at the end of your 30-day trial.