

Booking & scheduling

With Weal, scheduling and managing appointments is an absolute breeze, making it the perfect tool for any busy healthcare practice.

All booking & scheduling features

Telehealth (Upcoming Feature)

No matter where you are, or where your patients are. You can arrange video consultations and move forward with their treatments.

Weal’s Calendar System

Familiar with digital calendars like Apple’s iCal or Google Calendar? You’ll find Weal’s calendar just as intuitive and easy to navigate.

Book groups & classes

Easily schedule multiple clients for a single appointment, designed to simplify management and delight your customers.

Manage Multiple Locations (Upcoming Feature)

View and manage schedules across all your business locations effortlessly, no matter how many different locations you operate.

Appointment Confirmations

Clients receive detailed booking confirmation emails, complete with calendar attachments for easy reference.

Privacy Mode (Upcoming Feature)

Hide client names on your calendar when your screen is visible to others, ensuring confidentiality in shared workspaces.

Repeat appointments

Set up recurring appointments according to your preferred schedule, making ongoing bookings simpler than ever.

Quick Client Search

Weal’s intelligent search feature quickly finds client names as you type, speeding up the process of locating records.

Time zone support

Ideal for remote consultations or geographically dispersed teams, Weal allows patients to book appointments in their local time zone, while staff can view schedules in multiple time zones.

Rebooking Made Easy

Rebook a client’s next appointment with just one click directly from the appointment screen.

One-off availability

Make last-minute changes to practitioner availability without altering the regular schedule, providing flexibility when needed.

Flexible calendar views

Switch between various calendar views, from daily appointments to the week ahead for your entire practice, giving you a clear overview of your schedule.

Waitlist Management

Fill canceled appointment slots by selecting clients from your waitlist, ensuring that your schedule remains fully optimized.

Custom Appointment Types

Create and color-code appointment types, assigning defaults to practitioners for quicker, more efficient bookings.

Reschedule appointments

Easily adjust appointments when clients need to make last-minute changes, ensuring that your schedule remains flexible and accommodating.

Mobile friendly calendar

Easily adjust appointments when clients need to make last-minute changes, ensuring that your schedule remains flexible and accommodating.

Online bookings

Weal offers 24/7 online booking, reducing the need for phone-based scheduling. Everything syncs automatically with your appointment diary, making it seamless and stress-free.

Register new clients while booking

Capture new client details during the booking process without needing to switch pages, making it easy to expand your client base.

Practitioner-Specific Settings

Customize services, default appointment types, break schedules, and more for each practitioner, ensuring that your team’s needs are met.


Receive notifications when the new order has been created (or not).

Automated appointment reminders

Minimize no-shows with automated SMS and email reminders sent to clients before their appointments, ensuring that they remember their bookings.

Change History Tracking

View the complete history of changes made to an appointment, including who made the changes and when, providing transparency and accountability.

Keyboard shortcuts

Master keyboard shortcuts to navigate the calendar with impressive speed and efficiency, enhancing your productivity.

Online cancellations

Allow clients to cancel appointments online, with notifications sent directly to you, ensuring you’re always aware of any changes.

Explore Weal’s calendar free for 14 days

Try every feature, including all the calendar and appointment scheduling features, free Weal for 14 days.

Read next

Health records

Weal’s secure online health records system is accessible from any device, whether you’re on your mobile, tablet, or desktop. Easily take detailed notes using custom templates, attach files with a simple drag-and-drop, flag notes to complete later, and much more, all within one system.